Principles and Ethical Values promoted by Romanian Diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference 1919-1920
"Ethics and Deontology" Journal,
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): "Ethics and Deontology" Journal
On the coordinates of international life, the defeat of the Central Powers and the victory of the Entente opened a new stage in international political and diplomatic history, asserting new principles and orientations aimed at more or less democratic practices that were objectified in the peace treaties known generically under the name "Versailles System". For Romanian diplomacy, the fundamental strategic objective was that of the recognition of the new international status of the young independent national-unitary state, which came to confirm the historical decisions of the "great national assemblies", through which the Romanian people, by virtue of the historical right to self-determination, fulfilled the goal of centuries, that aimed at the political and territorial union of all Romanian provinces. Deep ethical principles and values are now being set in motion, all converging towards the creation of a climate of international peace and security.
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- Adunarea deputaților. (1919). Dezbaterile Adunării deputaților din 17 decembrie 1919. Monitorul Oficial nr.15/1919.
- Arhiva MAE, Fond 71/1914 E2, Pacea generală, Diverse
- HMS. (1919). Her majesty s office, Documents on British foreign policy 1918-1939, First series, vol.VIII, London.
- Senat. (2025). Dezbaterile Senatului, Monitorul Oficial nr. 9/14.11.1925.
- Titulescu, N. (1967). Discursuri, Editura Științifică, București.
xxx, România în relațiile internaționale. (1980). Editura Junimea, Iași.
Adunarea deputaților. (1919). Dezbaterile Adunării deputaților din 17 decembrie 1919. Monitorul Oficial nr.15/1919.
Arhiva MAE, Fond 71/1914 E2, Pacea generală, Diverse
HMS. (1919). Her majesty s office, Documents on British foreign policy 1918-1939, First series, vol.VIII, London.
Senat. (2025). Dezbaterile Senatului, Monitorul Oficial nr. 9/14.11.1925.
Titulescu, N. (1967). Discursuri, Editura Științifică, București.