Scholarly Publications in the 21st Century: The Need for Creativity and Flexibility
"Ethics and Deontology" Journal,
Vol. 2 No. 01 (2022): "Ethics and Deontology" Journal
The presentation explores the challenges faced by scholars in the 21st century in terms of the diffusion of knowledge. COVID-19 related restrictions and budgetary constraints require scholars to be creative on how they share their research. Virtual and hybrid academic conferences have become the norm rather than the exception and the use of social media for scholarly dialogue has also increased. Platforms such as and have become booming hubs of activity for a global network of epistemic communities transcending borders and languages.
- Banyai, C. L. (2010). Community Capacity Building and Local Policy: An Example from Pagudpud, the Philippines. Asia Pacific World, 1(2), 83-108.
- Bayulgen, O. (2008). Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank and the Nobel Peace Prize: What Political Science Can Contribute to and Learn From the Study of Microcredit. International Studies Review, 10(3), 525-547.
- Brown, M. D. (2014). The Praxis of Social Enterprise and Human Security: An Applied Research Agenda. Journal of Human Security, 10(1), 4-11.
- Coronavirus (COVID-19). (2020). Retrieved from
- Eldridge, K., & Cranston, N. (2009). Managing transnational education: does national culture really matter? Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, 31(1), 67-79.
- von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2020). JAPÓN Y EL COVID-19 DESDE UN PUNTO DE VISTA SOCIOCULTURAL. Revista Observatorio Iberoamericano de la Economía y la Sociedad del Japón (Febrero 2020).
- von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2021a). Applied Anthropology and the Tourism Sector. Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Costa Rica.
- von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2021b). ASEAN’s strategic opportunity: soft power and China’s covid-19 public relations debacle. Barcelona: Royal Academy of Economics and Financial Sciences of Spain.
- von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2021c). Filosofía de Economía Auto-Suficiente (SEP). Teatro Municipal, Alajuela, Costa Rica.
- von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2021d). La Docencia en Tiempos de Pandemia. Paper presented at the III CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL EDUCACIÓN, INVESTIGACIÓN Y TECNOLOGÍA "INNOVACIÓN EDUCATIVA Y USO DE LAS TIC, Bogota, Colombia.
- von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2021e). Los Retos y Tendencias en la Educación Superior: Los Efectos la Pandemia de COVID-19. Paper presented at the IV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN E INNOVACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA Y SIMPOSIO ESTUDIANTIL. UNIANDES, EXTENSIÓN QUEVEDO., Ecuador.
- von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico, Acuña, B. P., & Cardoso-Pulido, M. J. (2022). Nuevos paradigmas didácticos y otras aproximaciones: aprendizaje personalizado y Education Maker. Barcelona: Octaedro.
- Guinier, L., Fine, M., Balin, J., Bartow, A., & Stachel, D. L. (1994). BECOMING GENTLEMEN: WOMEN'S EXPERIENCES AT ONE IVY LEAGUE LAW SCHOOL. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 143(1), 1-83.
- Kamenetz, A. (2021). Why education was a top voter priotity this election. NPR. Retrieved from NPR website:
- Kimball, B. A. (2013). Do the Study of Education and Teacher Education Belong at a Liberal Arts College? Educational Theory, 63(2), 171-184.
- Kuhn, T. S. (1996). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (3rd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- Lueddeke, G. (2008). Reconciling Research, Teaching and Scholarship in Higher Education: An Examination of Disciplinary Variation, the Curriculum and Learning. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(1), 1-18.
- Rivera, A. (2021). Las TICS: su inserción en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Paper presented at the IX Congreso Internacional sobre Tecnología e Innovación +Ciencia e Investigación. “Docencia e Investigación”.
- Schiller, D., & Liefner, I. (2007). Higher education funding reform and university-industry links in developing countries: The case of Thailand. Higher Education, 54(4), 543-556.
- Thapa, R., & Feigenblatt, O. F. v. (2017). (N)One Paradigmatic Research Design Space: A Transformative Approach. Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences, 8(4), 383-401.
- Villarreal, A. (2014, November 11). Reales Academias: una renovacion urgente y necesaria para el siglo XXI. Diario ABC. Retrieved from
- Waugh, R., & Ketusiri, A. (2009). Lecturer Receptivity to a major planned educational change in a centrally-controlled system at Rajabhat Universities in Thailand. Journal of Educational Change, 10(1), 13-36.
- Wellin, C., & Fine, G. A. (2007). Ethnography as Work: Career Socialization, Settings and Problems. In P. Atkinson, A. Coffey, S. Delamont, J. Lofland, & L. Lofland (Eds.).
Banyai, C. L. (2010). Community Capacity Building and Local Policy: An Example from Pagudpud, the Philippines. Asia Pacific World, 1(2), 83-108.
Bayulgen, O. (2008). Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank and the Nobel Peace Prize: What Political Science Can Contribute to and Learn From the Study of Microcredit. International Studies Review, 10(3), 525-547.
Brown, M. D. (2014). The Praxis of Social Enterprise and Human Security: An Applied Research Agenda. Journal of Human Security, 10(1), 4-11.
Coronavirus (COVID-19). (2020). Retrieved from
Eldridge, K., & Cranston, N. (2009). Managing transnational education: does national culture really matter? Journal of Higher Education Policy & Management, 31(1), 67-79.
von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2020). JAPÓN Y EL COVID-19 DESDE UN PUNTO DE VISTA SOCIOCULTURAL. Revista Observatorio Iberoamericano de la Economía y la Sociedad del Japón (Febrero 2020).
von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2021a). Applied Anthropology and the Tourism Sector. Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Costa Rica.
von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2021b). ASEAN’s strategic opportunity: soft power and China’s covid-19 public relations debacle. Barcelona: Royal Academy of Economics and Financial Sciences of Spain.
von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2021c). Filosofía de Economía Auto-Suficiente (SEP). Teatro Municipal, Alajuela, Costa Rica.
von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2021d). La Docencia en Tiempos de Pandemia. Paper presented at the III CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL EDUCACIÓN, INVESTIGACIÓN Y TECNOLOGÍA "INNOVACIÓN EDUCATIVA Y USO DE LAS TIC, Bogota, Colombia.
von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico (2021e). Los Retos y Tendencias en la Educación Superior: Los Efectos la Pandemia de COVID-19. Paper presented at the IV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN E INNOVACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA Y SIMPOSIO ESTUDIANTIL. UNIANDES, EXTENSIÓN QUEVEDO., Ecuador.
von Feigenblatt, Otto Federico, Acuña, B. P., & Cardoso-Pulido, M. J. (2022). Nuevos paradigmas didácticos y otras aproximaciones: aprendizaje personalizado y Education Maker. Barcelona: Octaedro.
Guinier, L., Fine, M., Balin, J., Bartow, A., & Stachel, D. L. (1994). BECOMING GENTLEMEN: WOMEN'S EXPERIENCES AT ONE IVY LEAGUE LAW SCHOOL. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 143(1), 1-83.
Kamenetz, A. (2021). Why education was a top voter priotity this election. NPR. Retrieved from NPR website:
Kimball, B. A. (2013). Do the Study of Education and Teacher Education Belong at a Liberal Arts College? Educational Theory, 63(2), 171-184.
Kuhn, T. S. (1996). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (3rd ed.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Lueddeke, G. (2008). Reconciling Research, Teaching and Scholarship in Higher Education: An Examination of Disciplinary Variation, the Curriculum and Learning. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2(1), 1-18.
Rivera, A. (2021). Las TICS: su inserción en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Paper presented at the IX Congreso Internacional sobre Tecnología e Innovación +Ciencia e Investigación. “Docencia e Investigación”.
Schiller, D., & Liefner, I. (2007). Higher education funding reform and university-industry links in developing countries: The case of Thailand. Higher Education, 54(4), 543-556.
Thapa, R., & Feigenblatt, O. F. v. (2017). (N)One Paradigmatic Research Design Space: A Transformative Approach. Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences, 8(4), 383-401.
Villarreal, A. (2014, November 11). Reales Academias: una renovacion urgente y necesaria para el siglo XXI. Diario ABC. Retrieved from
Waugh, R., & Ketusiri, A. (2009). Lecturer Receptivity to a major planned educational change in a centrally-controlled system at Rajabhat Universities in Thailand. Journal of Educational Change, 10(1), 13-36.
Wellin, C., & Fine, G. A. (2007). Ethnography as Work: Career Socialization, Settings and Problems. In P. Atkinson, A. Coffey, S. Delamont, J. Lofland, & L. Lofland (Eds.).