Environmental ethics in Ethics and academic integrity courses
"Ethics and Deontology" Journal,
Vol. 1 No. 02 (2021): "Ethics and Deontology" Journal
The new courses "Ethics and academic integrity" introduced in the curriculum of master's programs complete the educational process with its axiological dimension. In these courses, students and especially student-engineers are confronted with concepts such as morals, values, good conduct. Given the fact that higher education graduates will be part of a society that is developing in a sustainable way, there is an increasing need to identify bridges that link the purely technical training with the ethical aspects of technological development. respecting social and environmental values. This paper presents an argument for teaching the concept of environmental ethics in the new courses "Ethics and academic integrity" to students in the field of engineering, to create an opportunity for them to approach their knowledge from multiple ethical, social and environmental perspectives.
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- van den Hoven, J., (2019), Ethics and the UN sustainable Development Goals: The Case for Comprehensive Engineering, Science and Engineering Ethics, 25, 1789 – 1797.
- Keitsch, M., (2018), Structuring Ethical Interpretation of the Sustainable Development Goals – Concepts, Implications and Porgress, Sustainability, 10, 829.
- Liu, X., Liu G., Yang Z., Chen B., Ulgiati S., (2016), Comparing national environmental and economic performances through emergy sustainability indicators: Moving enviornmental ethics beyound anthropocentrism toward ecocentrism, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 58, 1532-1542.
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- UN 2030 Agenda. (2015). Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda
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- World Bank Open Data, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator
Chankseliani, M., McCowan, T. (2021). Higher education and the Sustainable Development Goals, Higher Education, 81, 1–8.
Georgescu, T. (2021). ”Deontologie” și ”etică” – o perspectivă etimologică, in: Colang, G., (ed) Deontologie academică și etică aplicată, București, Editura Eikon.
Grunwald, A., (2001), The Application of Ethics to Engineering and the Engineer’s Moral Responsibility: Perspectives for a reserach Agenda, Science and Engineering Ethics, 7, 415-428
Iftimiu A., Patriarhul Ecumenic in mesajul de ziua protecției mediului înconjurător: Viața Bisericii Ortodoxe este o ecologie aplicată, 29.08.2018, https://basilica.ro/patriarhul-ecumenic-in-mesajul-de-ziua-protectiei
van den Hoven, J., (2019), Ethics and the UN sustainable Development Goals: The Case for Comprehensive Engineering, Science and Engineering Ethics, 25, 1789 – 1797.
Keitsch, M., (2018), Structuring Ethical Interpretation of the Sustainable Development Goals – Concepts, Implications and Porgress, Sustainability, 10, 829.
Liu, X., Liu G., Yang Z., Chen B., Ulgiati S., (2016), Comparing national environmental and economic performances through emergy sustainability indicators: Moving enviornmental ethics beyound anthropocentrism toward ecocentrism, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 58, 1532-1542.
MAE, Agenda 2030 pentru dezvoltare durabilă, (2021) https://www.mae.ro/node/35919.
Mantatov, V., Mantatova, L., (2015) Philosophical Underpinnings of Environmental Ethics: Theory of Responsibility by Hans Jonas, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 214, 1055-1061.
Mion G., Broglia A., Bonfanti A., (2019), Do Codes of Ethics Reveal a University’s Commitment to Sustainable Development? Evidence from Italy, Sustainability, 11, (2015) 1134.
Nasibulina, A., (2015), Education for Sustainable Development and Environmental Ethics, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 214 (2015) 1077 – 1082.
Ordin. (2018). Ordinul nr 3131 din 30 ianuarie 2018, privind includerea în planurile de învăţământ, pentru toate programele de studii universitare organizate în instituţiile de învăţământ superior din sistemul naţional de învăţământ, a cursurilor de etică şi integritate academică, publicat în M.O. nr. 140 din 14 februarie 2018.
Pla-Julian I., Guevara S., (2019) Is circular economy the key to transitioning towards sustainable development? Challanges form the perspective of care ethics, Futures, 105, 62-77.
Prüss-Ustün A., Wolf J., Corvalan C., Bos R., Neira M., (2016), Preventing disease through healthy environments – a global assessment of the burden disease from environmental risks, World Health Organization, https://www.who.int/quantifying_ehimpacts/publications/preventing-disease/en/
Romero, S., Alaez, M., Amo, D., Fonseca, D., (2020) Systematic Review of How Engineering Schools around World Are deploying the 2030 Agenda, Sustainability, 12, 5035
Sanchez Garcia, J. L., Diez Sanz, J.M., (2018), Climate change, ethics, and sustainability: An Innovative approach, Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3, 70 – 75.
SOER, The European environment — state and outlook 2020: knowledge for transition to a sustainable Europe, https://www.eea.europa.eu/soer
Spangenberg J., (2004) Reconciling sustainability and growth: criteria, indicators, policies, Sustainable Development 12, 74-86.
Standarde. (2016). Standarde și linii directoare pentru certificarea EUR-ACE® a programelor de studii din domeniul fundamental științe inginerești, 2016, https://www.aracis.ro
Stoenescu, C., (2016), Etica Mediului – Argumente rezonabile și întâmpinări critice, Iași, Institutul European.
Turcu C., (2013) Re-thinking sustainability indicators: local perspectives of urban sustainability, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56, 695-719.
UN 2030 Agenda. (2015). Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda
Verma P., Raghubanshi A.S., (2018) Urban sustainability indicators: Challenges and opportunities, Ecological Indicators, 93, 282-291.
de Wet, C., Odume Oghenekaro N., (2019) Developing sytemic-relational approach to environmental ethics in water resource management, Environmental Science and Policy, 93, 139 – 145.
World Bank Open Data, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator